Monday, April 28, 2008

8th Congressional District Trading It's Future For A Few Magic "Bean"s.

Property taxes in Lake County Illinois are an outrage. As a transplanted Dupage County resident, I feel a great sense of dissatisfaction in the manner which the Lake County government treats its residents. Although property values have risen in parts of Dupage county to the point where a 4 bedroom 3 bath house can cost about half a million, property taxes on said half million dollar house come to slightly LESS than what I am forced to pay for a house up in Lake County Illinois. Needless to say, I might add, without seeing the benefit of having my property values rise exponentially. Perhaps better government services is the reward for the extortion of my tax dollars. Not for me and my family, though, I have a good feeling that has been all gobbled up by those who don't pay a dime. The public school system is a joke. So after paying a ridiculous property tax bill, "for the children," I will have to privately subsidise my child's private education by working even harder so I can educate others who are less concerned about their children's futures. God bless all the teachers and staff on the front lines of this mess, but spare no harsh words for the clowns running this circus. "But what about the children?" as always.Chief Yookeroo, Over and Out.

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